Land for lease or pre-lease new development: Forrestdale WA. To suit most uses inc LFR QSR Servo & IOS.

Armadale Rd, Forrestdale

Forrestdale WA. Perth WA Hardstand outdoor storage for lease: Varying sizes up to 10 000sqm Short or long term plus highway frontage.


Land for lease or pre-lease new development: Forrestdale WA. To suit most uses inc LFR QSR Servo & IOS.


Forrestdale WA, Perth Metro,  hardstand (surface crushed rock/recycle material) for lease. Flat in most areas, huge plot area available up to 10000 sqm. Rentals cost effective & vary up depending upon lease term by around $25 per sqm per annum plus GST for land will give the best guide. Owners may build concrete or ashphalt hardstand to suit longterm user if required. Suitable for storage of bulk items including trucks equipment and or containers. Excellent access to Tomkin Hwy, adjoining local Hungry Jacks. Available immediatley

To check out all our hardstand listings click here

Further details Rob Stanley-Turner 0418982000  or (not the one pictured)

All areas, and figures are approximate only. All reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information, but this does not constitute any representation by the us as the vendors agent and is provided as a guide only. Purchasers are advised to rely on their own investigations sourced from the vendors records direct or statutory register such as land titles etc.
Photos all for illustration only as site photos yet to be taken.



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Agent Details

Robert Stanley-Turner



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